Pregnancy Update: 29 Weeks!

We’re in the Third Trimester!

As of Mother’s Day, our little guy is just one day shy of 29 weeks… just 12 to go! Is it July yet? We can’t wait to meet him! We still haven’t decided on a name, but we’re down to a few, select contenders.

At last week’s ultrasound, our baby boy was just around 3 pounds, which we’re told is right on track. (I’m not proud to admit that I still make burrito comparisons when I hear these measurements… relating our growing son to a friendly food challenge just eases my anxiety about delivering.) And speaking of food challenges and competitive eating news, Nick is now the Hardboiled Egg Eating Champion of the World after winning the Draft King’s even last month (at which he proposed!), but that deserves a whole blog post of its own, so I’ll gush about that separately (complete with some sweet engagement photos).


Engaged One Month


It’s a BOY!